The RW&E dialup service stopped working at the end of September 2015.
The closure was announced on 31 March 2015, giving customers six months’ notice to use up their remaining credit and find another internet service.
We gave general advice on this, but it was up to customers to make a choice and get started with a new service. Some suggestions are below.
Computer service people can also help with this. Also, the Renmark plaza has a Telstra shop and an Optus shop as well as Dick Smith, so it’s a good place to talk to someone about this.
We can help by keeping your email address running until the end of 2015: or permanently, if you don’t mind paying something per year to keep it.
Other Internet Services
Most dialup users don’t need a huge amount of internet access, don’t want to pay too much, and like prepaid services. With that in mind we’ve listed the best choices first.
1. Mobile broadband
This uses the mobile phone system: it’s a good choice anywhere there’s a good mobile phone signal. Prepaid accounts are available, lasting up to 12 months. You may already be using this on a smartphone or tablet.
To use it on a computer, you’d buy a new kind of modem costing around $100. This doesn’t need a phone line to work, but you do need to be in an area where the provider’s mobile phone signal is good.
Both Telstra and Optus can supply this service. Other companies do too, though around here, they’re usually re-selling a service from the bigger providers.
2. NBN broadband
The National Broadband Network (NBN) is starting to be available in the Riverland. The NBN fixed wireless will cover some areas that previously didn’t have broadband. It’s a good, fast service with high megabyte allowances: but it does have a fixed cost per month, starting around $40 per month.
Many companies can provide NBN connections. E.g. Southern Phone promises local support for country people, though they’re based in NSW.
3. ADSL broadband
It may be possible to get ADSL connected on your phone line, and pay about $30 per month for a small plan. ADSL always has a fixed per-month price, and usually a contract for one or two years. It’s a good fast service but you must have a phone line connected. You can get it from many different providers.
Unlike the NBN fixed wireless, ADSL is available only within a few kilometres of the towns.
4. Satellite broadband
Even if you’re far from towns and other network coverage, you can usually get satellite broadband. However it will cost more than dialup, and will involve installation charges and contracts for several years.
5. Another dialup provider
If you can’t use any of the broadband choices, you might have to stay with dialup. Some other companies are still offering it. There are some prepaid plans out there, but they usually have monthly limits.
Some of the fixed-price-per-month plans cost less than $10 per month, so you may end up paying less than you do now.
In conclusion
On a personal note, I’m sad that the dialup service has closed: it’s nearly 20 years since Riverland Internet started offering it from Renmark.
For some dialup users, this change will seem to be an inconvenience that they don’t need. However I’m confident that after moving to some kind of broadband, you will see the benefits. More sites and services will work for you on the internet.
To our remaining dialup users: Best wishes, and thanks for your loyalty to a local business.